CHTA Supports Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association By Advising Aruba Government Against Adopting Legislation Limiting All-Inclusive Development

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CHTA Communications


CHTA Supports Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association By Advising Aruba Government Against Adopting Legislation Limiting All-Inclusive Development

In a show of support for the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA), CHTA is urging Aruba Prime Minister The Honourable Michiel Eman to abandon proposed legislation in its present form which would limit and control the growth of the all-inclusive segment of the Aruban hospitality and tourism business. It has been seen that excessive government interference in free-enterprise typically erodes business confidence, increases operating costs, and stifles investment, noted CHTA, adding, “Recognizing consumer behavior patterns, a growing number of traditional EP hotels are also offering full or limited meal-inclusive packages, enabling these hotels to increase business activity, consequently retaining and growing staff while generating additional revenue for their company and taxes for the Government.” To read more click here.