Living on Water: Are You Ready to Weather a Storm?

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CHTA Communications


Living on Water: Are You Ready to Weather a Storm?

Written by KAYFLO

It is that time of the year again, Hurricane season.

During this period lasting from June till November, the Caribbean basin is crossed by 8 hurricanes on average every year and some of us can already feel the consequences. Two weeks ago (2 July), there was a flooding in Southern Belize following 2 days of heavy rain just a few days before; Trinidad & Tobago was affected by tropical Storm Bret.

If it is obvious that the human and economic consequences of hurricanes are considerable, they are even worse when not well prepared. As hoteliers operating in the Caribbean, the following question arises to us: How can I ensure that my tourism operation is best prepared for a hurricane?

Here are some basic tips worth reminding ourselves:

  1. Determine your vulnerability
  2. Update the evacuation and communication plans
  3. Restack the emergency supply kits
  4. Be sure to have sufficient insurance coverage
  5. And always stay informed

We believe that the best preparation is to take preventive measures. Thus particular attention should be paid to the choice of site for the hotel. One of the principles is to avoid building along the coast to avoid the risk associated with the cyclonic swell and the storm surge.

But when you operate (or wish to operate) a hotel in the Caribbean it appears difficult to stick to that principle.

At KAYFLO* we invented a floating suite that is hurricane proof. Thanks to the 100% water and energy autonomy, our floating suites are insensitive to network cuts which are always important risks after a hurricane.

If the KayFlôs are in a protected bay (like Le Marin in Martinique) there is no need to move the suites because of the anchorages system. If the KayFlôs are located in an open/vulnerable site (like Le Robert) then we can move the floating suites to places know as “cyclone holes” or ashore on solid ground. And regarding the risk of a tsunami, the KayFlô Suites positioned in the sea are less exposed than an establishment installed on a beach.