Leveraging Emerging Technologies To Improve The Guest Experience

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CHTA Communications


Leveraging Emerging Technologies To Improve The Guest Experience

Written by OBM International

In the last few years, there has been a steady rise with the integration of technology within the hospitality industry. Hotels that are investing and implementing new guest-facing and service oriented technologies stand to gain a competitive advantage, increased guest satisfaction and increased revenue opportunities. To stay ahead of the curve, hoteliers should be aware of the technologies slated to transform the industry and decide which technology is the right fit for their property.

Many hoteliers are experimenting with beacon, wearables, and facial recognition technologies to enhance guest experiences. In addition to improving experience through personalization and increased engagement, these technological advances can help hotels streamline service operations to maximize efficiency.

Beacon technologies allow hotels to use location-based services to interact with guests. With geolocation hotels can promote on-property amenities, all mobile guest check-in, monitor guests’ location, facilities used, and preferences to plan for operational efficiencies. The key to successful geolocation technology integration is relevancy for your operations and handling the data with privacy.

Mobile check-in is changing the way guests check in to their rooms. Without the need to make the traditional stop at the front-desk upon arrival, lobbies can become a more flexible space. Designers at OBM International have started focusing on making lobbies into a more social setting, incorporating art galleries, bars and casual designing areas. The redesign of lobbies allows the area to become a full experience showcasing the hotel’s full atmosphere and energy.

Hotels integrating wearables and facial recognition technologies have the opportunity to leverage guest touch points.  The data collected from these technologies allows hotels to track guests’ activities and preferences. Hoteliers can work with architects to design spaces to be transitional areas that can be repurposed throughout the day. One example of this idea would be a lobby bar functioning as a workspace throughout the day before becoming a lounge in the evenings.

There is no doubt that the advance of technology will transform the way hotels will operate. It is up to hotel operators to implement technology that attracts and retains guests, and further leverage the guest data to create multiple levels of engagements and experiences. By establishing the right team to explore the potential benefits of the latest technological innovations hitting the hospitality industry, hotels are setting themselves to improve their guest experience and improve operations as well.