Hospitality Industry Jumps Aboard LEED
A new report by the U.S. Green Building Council highlights the rising popularity of LEED certifications among hotels worldwide. That certification could help your organization put on a sustainable event. Looking to ensure that your meeting is sustainable? A good place to start might be to check if venues have received a Leadership in Energy […]
Champion Environmental Causes and Add Value to Your Property
Written by Joanna Moses-Wothke, Blue Flag & LEAF Trinidad and Tobago Asclepius Green Las Cuevas Beach, located on the North coast of Trinidad, is the only Blue Flag certified beach in the Southern English-speaking Caribbean since January 2015. This means Las Cuevas beach has met internationally recognised standards for safety and environmental awareness and is […]
World Bank Pledges $150 Million In Fight Against Zika Virus
The World Bank has announced it has made US$150 million immediately available to support countries in Latin America and the Caribbean affected by the Zika virus outbreak. This amount is based on current country demands for financing and follows extensive engagement with governments across the region, including sending teams of technical experts to affected countries. […]
ZIKA Guidelines for Spanish Speaking Guests
HTA is making available its Zika Guidelines for Hotel Guests and Zika Frequently Asked Questions Guide in Spanish for the Caribbean’s Spanish speaking guests. Click on this link to view and download the documents. The documents are also accessible via the Zika Resource Center on CHTA’s home page.
Sargassum Seaweed in 2016?
2015 broke the records in term of seaweed influxes. All islands got impacted, and in several of them, the tourism sector seriously suffered from it. What will be the situation in 2016? To answer this question, it is crucial to understand well the origin of the phenomenon. Briefly: the seaweed comes from a Second Sargasso […]
CHTA Creates a Zika Resource Center
CHTA and the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) are urging all Caribbean countries and the national hotel and tourism associations and hotels in the region to diligently work to control the mosquito population in light of the recent reports of the Zika virus. As a result CHTA and the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST) a […]
How The Islands That Will Be Destroyed By Climate Change Won A Victory In Paris
The 1.5 degree target was pushed for by the people who most desperately need it—because their homes are the most threatened. Dr. Hugh Sealy is sitting in his office in Grenada, looking out at a Caribbean bay and contemplating the work that lies ahead of him. Just about a week ago, at the climate treaty […]
CHTA Applauds Outcome Of UN’s Conference On Climate Change; Drives Message ’1.5 To Stay Alive’
CHTA is pleased with the results of the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, which took place last month. Adopted by 195 nations, “The Paris Agreement” will aim to keep a global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius [this century] and drive efforts to limit the temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. In […]