Looking for Love: Diversifying the Romance Market

Everyone is looking for love, especially Caribbean hoteliers. The romance travel market is a multi-billion dollar industry, which in spite of the hardships undergone in 2016, continues to grow. Destination weddings and honeymoons are wonderful ways to generate large ticket sales and grow a loyal client base. According to Travelmarket Report, the Caribbean is still […]

2016 Year in Review: Starting 2017 Strong

As we look forward to a promising 2017, we must to look back at all of the lessons and accomplishments that we as an industry and a region faced in 2016. The following challenges greatly impacted our region and our industry in 2016, leaving behind great stepping stones we hope our members will make the […]

Training Opportunities Are More Accessible Than Ever

In June of 2017, CHTA will offer its members the ultimate hospitality training opportunity. For the first time, two powerhouse conferences are being offered concurrently in downtown Miami, covering gamut of training and educational opportunities for the Caribbean hospitality and tourism industry. Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF) Areas of focus: Operations, Sales & Marketing, […]

Check CHTA First

When in need of a new vendor, CHTA’s membership database it the perfect place to find the ideal new partner to help your business thrive! Both Hotel members and Allied members alike can access the CHTA member database via our Members Only portal and find any of the products / professional services listed below. CLICK […]

First-Ever Sustainable Energy Roadmap for the Caribbean Launched

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has received recommendations for reaching an ambitious regional target of 48% renewable energy generation by 2027. The Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy (C-SERMS) Baseline Report and Assessment, released today by the Worldwatch Institute, also suggests a 33% reduction in the region’s energy intensity. Achieving these sustainable energy goals would result […]

2016’s Authenticity Leads to 2017’s Sustainability

Written by OBM International We observed 2016 express itself as a year that travelers demanded authenticity from the hospitality industry. This includes the traveler seeking a real destination experience that exudes the respective culture, an expectation that the property is nestled into the environment rather than on top it, as well as special attention to […]

It’s Good to be a Member

New CHTA Exclusive Member Discounts Taking advantage of exclusive CHTA Member discounts is a  great way to start off the new year. All of these discounts are available exclusively to members in good standing. If you are interested in offering a Member to Member exclusive benefit send an email with the details of the offer […]

Lessons Learned from Dealing with Zika

By El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort Last year Puerto Rico’s tourism industry was affected by Zika more than any country in the Caribbean.  El Conquistador decided to take various steps to help overcome the negative publicity of Puerto Rico and provide peace of mind to customers.  We decided that communication to guests and public […]

Sojern’s Top 4 Marketing Best Practices for Making the Most of 2017

By Ashley Procevait, Sojern Sojern shares the top tips for your digital marketing campaigns in 2017, making it a breeze to draw guests to your destinations this year: 1) Don’t Wait Did you know that 39% of North American Q1 travel searches are for spring and summer travel? Planning for spring and summer travel starts […]

Resolutions to Serving our Customers Well

Written by Ainsworth Spence, FleetFare Despite our specialized expertise, we always trusted our instincts to make right decisions based on what we did successfully in the past. For 2017, just trusting our ‘gut’ won’t cut it, but what we hear and what’s in our hearts are very important. Delivery of excellent customer service is simply […]