CHTA Green Week Showcased Member’s Amazing Acts of Green

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CHTA Communications


CHTA Green Week Showcased Member’s Amazing Acts of Green

From April 18-22, as part of our commitment to sustainability and to celebrate Earth Day in grand form, CHTA offered up to it’s members an environmentally focused five day photo challenge. The objective of this fun digital event was to showcase our members commitment to sustainable tourism and to positively impact the communities that support them. Our members showed up in full force and did not disappoint. The five day event generated an impressive following:

  • Over 145,000 impressions (views) on Twitter in just 5 days
  • Reaching over 87,000 Twitter accounts all over the Caribbean and the Americas

Out of all of the participants the following top five hotels offered up the most frequent posts and the most engagement, in addition to providing fellow hotels great best practices. Follow their environmental lead and follow them on social media for more great green ideas.

  1. Curtain Bluff, Antigua
  2. Mockingbird Hill, Jamaica
  3. Bougainvillea Beach Resort, Barbados
  4. Rosalie Bay Resort, Dominica    
  5. Ponce Plaza Hotel, Puerto Rico

Thank you to all the members that participated.