CHTA President Reflects on Progress Since Last Year’s Hurricanes

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CHTA Communications


CHTA President Reflects on Progress Since Last Year’s Hurricanes

A year after Hurricanes Irma and Maria, I want to focus on the heroic manner in which the people of the Caribbean handled this terrifying experience.

Their amazing resilience showed during and after both hurricanes as they began the challenging task of rebuilding their homes, their communities and their lives. From the ruins of nature’s powerful destruction, we have witnessed incredible courage and determination which have uplifted our spirits while improving our island homes. Testing our resources, we have been forced to build back better, stronger and smarter.

We have united as a people, and our mutual reliance has made us stronger together.

As a region, our “Continent of Islands,” our chains of perfectly stunning and beautiful landscapes, waters and experiences, range over a million square miles. From The Bahamas in the north to Trinidad in the south; the distance being further than from California to Georgia, or from Portugal to Germany. We may be small islands separately, but together we are a big region! When one or some of us are hurt it does not mean that the entire region is down. In fact, we stand up for each other – repairing, rebuilding and recovering.

The Caribbean remains open for business, and needs the continued support of those who love our region or who want to experience our diverse cultures for the first time. As one of my colleagues said about her affected destination: “The best way to help us is to visit us.”

So when you are thinking of planning your next vacation, do so with the knowledge that the Caribbean will always be open. Our destinations offer unrivaled experiences and our people will not only welcome you with open arms, they will treat you like family and ultimately win your heart.
