Commercial Restoration: Key to Reopening Businesses After Natural or Man-made Disasters

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CHTA Communications


Commercial Restoration: Key to Reopening Businesses After Natural or Man-made Disasters

Written by Cotton International, CHTA Member

The recent events that have impacted the Caribbean have emphasized the importance of companies being prepared to face damages or losses. Almost a year after the most devastating atmospheric phenomenon recorded in recent history, many businesses are still struggling to return their operations to normalcy, either because of adjustments in the compensation from insurance claims, not having been adequately prepared to face the emergency, or because of the magnitude of the damage.

Hospitals, hotels, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturing plants, and warehousing and consumer goods distribution companies are examples of the types of businesses whose function is crucial for the stability of the economy in general but are still in the process of restoration. According to industry experts, the key to recovering from a significant event, whether natural or man-made, is preparation and having the necessary continuity plan in place long before the damage is caused.

Companies engaged in commercial restoration can be a valuable asset when it comes to assisting these types of businesses. Commercial restoration companies can assist in developing contingency and disaster management plans so that impacted businesses can mitigate damages more efficiently and return to normal operations with agility. Their role goes beyond being a general contractor, as they bring experience that exceeds typical construction or repairs to the table. At the same time, they take care of unifying the processes of quoting and managing the pool of service providers that will work in mitigating the damages these incidents could cause.

“This is about guiding these companies and working with them hand-in-hand throughout the entire process to help them return to operations as soon as possible,” said Alberto Bachman, Vice President of Cotton, an established restoration services company that opened an office in Puerto Rico after last year’s hurricane. “Part of what we offer is the management of a comprehensive loss assessment, freeing the affected company of having to go out and look for individual estimates for all the repairs they need. This is a big step in achieving efficiencies and speed when working on a commercial restoration project” Bachman added.

Based in Texas, Cotton services clients throughout North America and beyond via strategically-located regional offices and partnerships, and has the ability to quickly mobilize disaster recovery teams around the globe. “What we want is to bring our experience and service record to the business community of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean” said Bachman.