Our Advocacy
The CHTA, with over 1,000 members across 32 national associations, is the Caribbean's leading tourism voice. They advocate, protect, and connect on industry issues, engaging stakeholders globally.
Strategic Goals
The organization’s advocacy work is
directed by four strategic goals
The organization’s advocacy work is directed by four strategic goals
National Hotel and Tourism Associations
Supporting NHTAs to be better advocates for local and regional issues.
Stakeholder Collaboration
Strengthening and broadening stakeholder partnerships with trade, regional and international organizations to support advocacy agenda.
Resource and Clearinghouse
An essential point for input and information supporting the development and advancement of policies and initiatives which affect tourism
A regional tourism advocacy action agenda with broad buy-in
Additional Info
CHTA´s core values serve as a moral and operational grounding, guiding our interactions internally, with national hotel associations and members, as well as with external stakeholders.
CARICOM The Caribbean Community represents 15 Caribbean nations and dependencies whose main purpose is to promote economic integration and cooperation among its member states. CARICOM focuses on coordinating economic policies and development planning; devising and instituting special projects, operating as a regional single market for many of its members; and handling regional trade disputes.
Caribbean Development Bank is a leading catalyst for development resources into the region, working with member Countries and other development partners towards the reduction of poverty in their countries through social and economic development.