CTO Sustainable Tourism Awards 2017

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CTO Sustainable Tourism Awards 2017

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is hosting the Sustainable Tourism Awards in this the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, as part of its efforts to support responsible tourism development and promote Sustainable Tourism products and services in the region.  The Awards are open to individuals, groups, organizations and companies in any CTO member Country engaged in implementing initiatives which fall within the following six award categories:

  1.      Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism
  2.      Destination Stewardship
  3.      Sustainable Accommodation
  4.      Community Benefit
  5.      Heritage Protection
  6.      Biodiversity Conservation

Apply now, and embrace this opportunity to showcase your Sustainable Tourism best practices, while being recognized as a destination/business leader that epitomises product quality, innovation, and authenticity.  Destination Management Organisations are encouraged to apply and also share this information with your constituents, partners and industry stakeholders. For more information on the Caribbean Sustainable Tourism Awards, including instructions and guidelines for submissions, CLICK HERE.