Member Hurricane Preparedness Resources

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Member Hurricane Preparedness Resources

CHTA offers many useful resources to members all year round to assist in their preparation for unforeseen events, from Zika to Sargassum, and of course, Hurricanes. Due to the impact the 2017 Hurricane Season had on the region, CHTA rose to the occasion providing additional resources for members to better plan for the coming season.

In the mist of the disruption generated by the 2017 hurricanes, provided the traveling public the best real-time update on the state of the Caribbean without the media hyperbole. It clearly listed which destinations were directly impacted and which ones were not. The site gathers feedback from National Hotel Associations, Tourist Boards, and other official sources in one site, as well as a way to aid in the recovery of the affected destinations.

CHTA Storm Prep Webinar Series

  • June 13, 2018 – Proactive Property Protection

Click here to register. 

Are you ready for the next crisis situation? How quickly can you bounce back? While we have no control over how severe this year’s storm season might be, thorough and engaged preparation by your team can lessen the impact for your business, employees and guests alike. Properties that implement clear, actionable plans are better able to help protect their staff and guests, minimize property damage, make their operations more resilient and expedite recovery after the storm passes.

  • Past Webinar – Your Insurance Checklist

Click here to view a recording of this webinar.

Don’t Get Caught Uncovered or Under-covered! Last year was an eye-opener for many hotels which thought they had sufficient insurance, only to learn after the fact that they didn’t.  The ‘road to recovery’ can be a lot longer if you fall short in your insurance planning.

Checklists and Publications

  • Hurricane Procedures Manual : This hurricane procedures manual, first published in 1990 following Hurricane Hugo, has now been revised to meet the recurring needs of the tourism/hotel sectors for hazard mitigation. Hazard mitigation is defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the United States as ” actions taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects”. This goal can best be achieved by applying various strategies though structural and non-structural measures. Prevention and preparedness planning can help to reduce loss and most importantly will assist speedy resumption of business after the event.
  • Insurance Readiness Manual: this manual on Hurricane Preparedness was created from an insurance standpoint by Stan Smith of Smith Orloff & Associates, International Insurance Loss Consultants and an Allied Member of the Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association. Mr. Smith is a recognized expert in insurance loss consulting and risk management and has been a speaker on the subject throughout the Caribbean as well as at annual Caribbean Hotel Industry Conferences.