New Student/Academia Membership

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CHTA Communications


New Student/Academia Membership

In an effort to further strengthen CHTA’s ties with academic institutions and holding fast to its commitment to people development in the region, CHTA is pleased to announce its New Student/Academia category of membership to be rolled-out over the summer and ready for the 2018-2019 academic year.

• Students – $75/year; Academics – $100/year (no initiation fees)

• Young professionals studying in an accredited program related to the tourism sector or recent graduates actively looking for employment in the industry in the region.
• Individuals should be between 18-35 years of age.
• In the case of faculty individuals, where the college/university/school is unable to become a member, faculty individuals will be considered under the student/academia member category. Whenever possible, engagement with the institution is preferred.
• For individuals that are currently working in companies that are prospective members for CHTA, further vetting would need to take place in order to allow for special concession of membership.  These individuals would not be considered Student/Academia but fall within Allied Member category at the lowest tier of membership ($250).

• Access to CHTA Network: Opportunities to network with CHTA members through online member directory
• CHTA Signature Events: Discounted pricing to register for CHTA signature events (limited access may apply for Caribbean Travel Marketplace)
• Exclusive discounts to trainings and workshops
• Internship & Job Opportunities: CHTA’s Caribbean Tourism Job Bank
• Full Access to Knowledge & Data Center
• Mentorship Program (coming soon)