New Travel Insights: Caribbean a Hotspot for Winter Travel

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CHTA Communications


New Travel Insights: Caribbean a Hotspot for Winter Travel

By Sojern

In Sojern’s latest Global Travel Insights report, we looked forward to Q4 travel trends to understand how people around the globe are planning their end of the year travel—and offer travel marketers advice for influencing these early planners. Looking forward to the entire quarter, destinations like Cancun, San Juan, and Miami make the list of top destinations searched for by North Americans.

We also honed in on the month of December to see how holidays therein are impacting travel. The top beach destinations searched for the month of December are—in order—Miami, Cancun, San Juan, Honolulu, and Fort Myers. And so far, the top three departure dates searched are all around Christmas: December 22, 23, and 21.

With Christmas falling on a Monday this year, we see early planners trying to figure out just how long a trip they’ll take—looking as early as a Thursday departure. Knowing this kind of decision making is underway now gives travel marketers the opportunity to influence early on. For example, reaching North American travelers with dynamic ads that show the real-time weather of your destination—it’s a great way to inspire some fun in the sun while many are deep in their winter blues.