Owning The Conversation: Travel Crisis Management in a 24 Second News Cycle Written by Worldmedia

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CHTA Communications


Owning The Conversation: Travel Crisis Management in a 24 Second News Cycle Written by Worldmedia

Written by Worldmedia

While it takes years to build a brand’s reputation, it can all be undone in a few hours. Thanks to social media, travel blogs and the ability to share at the click of a button, information spreads faster than ever.  And local Caribbean issues can quickly become global. When crisis hits, it’s paramount to focus on speed, transparency and trust.

If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail
Whether you’re dealing with one customer complaint or a stream of negative press, a Crisis Communications Plan should be put in place. Audit your vulnerabilities and then determine what avoidance and/or response actions should be taken. Then train the team to address and escalate issues as they arise. Everyone from a Public Relations agency to a hotel concierge should be empowered to support you.

Own The Issue Before It Owns You
The worst thing to do in a crisis is wait for it to go away. It can turn minor issues into major scandals and dissolve the trust your brand has worked so hard to build. Your Crisis Communications Plan should clearly outline how to control exposure, limit risk and determine where and when to respond to anything that may come up. A healthy approach maintains accountability and promotes trust.

Turn A Negative Into A Positive
While a crisis is never a pleasant experience, it allows you to bring to light areas of improvement and transparency that the consumer probably wasn’t aware of before. In fact, handling the issue in a timely and transparent manner will create even more advocates for your brand. Take this opportunity to analyze what brought about the crisis and ensure all stakeholders are aware of the actions taken to resolve it.