Responsible Food Purchasing: Four Steps towards Sustainability for the Hospitality Sector

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CHTA Communications


Responsible Food Purchasing: Four Steps towards Sustainability for the Hospitality Sector

For many countries, tourism provides a significant source of foreign exchange and foreign direct investment. If managed sustainably, tourism can make an important contribution towards conserving natural and cultural heritage resources, generating and distributing wealth equitably, empowering the disadvantaged, generating jobs and supporting infrastructure development.

More than most sectors, the hospitality sector is often under pressure to respond to guests’ exacting requirements, and to prepare food accordingly (although in reality there is often considerable flexibility in food choices). This pressure can affect purchasing decisions that may bring with them major environmental and social impacts. Increasingly, however, these same guests are also expecting businesses not just to provide quality and value for money in food choices, but also, at the same time, to ensure environmental and social sustainability – in other words, to engage in responsible food purchasing.

CLICK HERE to download the guide “Responsible Food Purchasing: Four Steps Towards Sustainability for the Hospitality Sector”. It  will help food purchasers to understand better the importance to their business of responsible food purchasing, while providing practical advice and guidance to enable them to make the right decisions and choices.