Sojern’s Top 4 Marketing Best Practices for Making the Most of 2017

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CHTA Communications


Sojern’s Top 4 Marketing Best Practices for Making the Most of 2017

By Ashley Procevait, Sojern

Sojern shares the top tips for your digital marketing campaigns in 2017, making it a breeze to draw guests to your destinations this year:

1) Don’t Wait

Did you know that 39% of North American Q1 travel searches are for spring and summer travel? Planning for spring and summer travel starts earlier than you may think. Don’t wait until the spring to speak to these people, start engaging with them now.

2) Use insights—What does the data say?

In our Spring & Summer Report, we highlight that while all Caribbean destinations offer sun, sand and surf, they can attract very different traveler types. For example, 78% of flights for Trinidad and Tobago are searched by solo travelers, whereas one quarter of flight searches to The Bahamas are families. These insights can help you hone your campaigns to strategically target your key audience.

3) Experiment with Dynamic Creatives

Imagine your potential guests sitting at their computer and it’s -10 degrees outside. Now imagine they see an ad for your destination with warm, Caribbean weather and in real time! The promise of beautiful weather with a gorgeous image of the beach or your property could be just the thing that draws someone to book with you.

3) Keep it simple

Keep your campaigns simple at the start—not too many creatives or multiple campaign goals—and then refine, depending on learnings and partner recommendations.