Time Sensitive Relief Efforts for Haiti and the Bahamas

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CHTA Communications


Time Sensitive Relief Efforts for Haiti and the Bahamas

Hurricane Matthew caused devastating loss of life and destruction of property in Haiti.  Parts of The Bahamas, specifically Grand Bahama, Andros and Berry Islands also were severely damaged.  CHTA would like to convey sincere condolences to the people of Haiti and The Bahamas for the heavy toll that the storm has taken.

Today there are significant numbers of displaced people who have lost their homes, and many communities remain inaccessible as a result of destruction to roads and bridges.

There are immediate needs and long-term needs.  In this communication we are focusing on the immediate relief needs and advising members how they can assist.  To address longer-term needs, CHTA is working with the Haiti and Bahamas hotel associations to put together a fundraising program with CharityBuzz, the organization which we worked with last year to support Dominica following a devastating storm.  We will advise on how you can help with that effort in a few days.


HAITI: How You Can Help

The Association Touristique D’Haiti and Board of Tourism have advised us of relief needs.

Four organizations have been recommended to us.

Donations of Supplies/Goods

Ship your donations to:

Address: 777, Route Nationale # 1, Titanyen Haiti

Telephone:  786-375-1234

Items of Immediate Need are as follows:

  • Hygiene kits
  • Bed linens
  • Mattresses
  • Water
  • Diapers state 1-5
  • Milk
  • Formula
  • Wipes
  • Baby clothes
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Shoes
  • Solar powered lamps
  • Non-perishable items


BAHAMAS: How You Can Help

The Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association has advised us of relief needs.

Donations of Cash:

Bahamas Red Cross

USD Monetary donations can be deposited at: Royal Bank of Canada, Bahamas through:

  • Destination: CHASUS33 (IBK) JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ABA021000021
  • Pay to Bank: /001 1 188448 (BBK) ROYCBSNS RBC Royal Bank Bahamas Limited
  • Beneficiary Name: The Bahamas Red Cross Society, Account Number & Branch/ Transit / Account number 05165/ 289 423 6 John F. Kennedy Drive Branch

Donations of Supplies/Goods:

The Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is working with the Bahamas Red Cross.  They are seeking the following:

  • Tarp, building supplies, mattresses, bedding, furniture
  • Water, rice, flour, oatmeal, sugar, tuna, canned spaghetti, sardines, fruit cup, peanut butter, jam, corn beef and evaporated milk.
  • Soap, Shampoo

If you are shipping supplies/goods directly to the Bahamas Red Cross in Nassau or designated NEMA representatives for Grand Bahama, Andros, or the Berry Islands

We have been advised, according to the Customs Comptroller, that there will be no need to complete forms C13 and C43.  Exemptions from VAT and Duty will automatically apply and processing fees will be waived.

To assign goods to NEMA/Bahamas Red Cross

A letter stating the inventory of items (quantity, description and dollar value of goods); and that you are assigning the goods to NEMA/Bahamas Red Cross to aid in Hurricane Matthew Relief Efforts, would suffice. Please see in the Document Relief Effort Contact Information for the details of who to address the letter to; please ensure you copy the persons indicated and have a signed copy of the letter accompanying the goods.

If you are shipping elsewhere

To ensure duty/customs exemption, the clearance of all relief supplies should be accompanied by Bahamas Customs Form C13 and VAT Exemption Form C43. In addition, all goods should be properly manifested. The C-13 and C43 Forms go together, and are usually completed by a broker. However, once the goods are assigned to NEMA/Bahamas Red Cross this would eliminate the need for a broker, as NEMA will take receipt of goods. For more information, please contact the Red Cross at 242-323-7370.