Holy Snapchat! – Instagram Stories are Here

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CHTA Communications


Holy Snapchat! – Instagram Stories are Here

On August 2nd Instagram announced the launch of Instagram Stories, a feature that will let users string together multiple shots or videos into a slideshow that can be shared with friends. Users can type or draw on the images, and they will disappear after 24 hours… Does that sound a lot like Snapchat? That is because it is. The biggest distinction between the two platforms is Instagram’s omission of the ever popular Snapchat geofilters and lenses.

Instagram seems to be trying to retain and engage younger users, who use Snapchat due to the transitory nature of its posts. Instagram Stories is trying to create a place online, like Snapchat, where users can be themselves without concerning themselves with curating an online image.

Before Instagram Stories, the Gram was clearly the place to go for beautiful imagery and social photography. A digital feast for the eyes. The platform where only your best, most carefully curated pictures, with the most painfully selected filters would shine. Snapchat was for the silly, unedited moments that you didn’t necessarily want to keep around or put on display. These lines have now blurred.

Benefits of Instagram Stories

  • Instagram is a much more brand friendly platform than Snapchat. The platform was build for content consumption, unlike Snapchat which was built for content creation. The search function, being able to find new people and brands to follow on Instagram is much easier than on Snapchat. Instragram also offers company profiles, analytics, and it is owned by the biggest player in the game, Facebook.
  • You can post as much content as you want without the fear of over posting or overexposure. Instagram Stories are contained in the top section of the Home tab and do not go on the normal timeline.
  • Each video or photo is grouped together in a slideshow form called a story. Users have to watch the whole story to see the images and videos. This allows you to develop a narrative and actually tell a story.
  • The folks at 9to5Mac created an easy to follow “How to Use Instagram Stories” video. Click here to view that quick 15 minute tutorial to become pro.

Still don’t have Instagram Stories?

  • First of all, make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram App (version 9.0). To check go to your App Store (iTunes or Google Play) and look for an Instagram update.
  • If that doesn’t help, try restarting your Smartphone.
  • If that doesn’t work, then just be patient. According to Instagram, they will be “rolling out globally over the next few weeks on iOS and Android.”