BLOG POST’s New Digital Advertising Program

Picture of CHTA Communications

CHTA Communications

Author’s New Digital Advertising Program

As we ramp up our regional collaborative marketing strategy, The CHTA and CTO are pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with digital advertising company Destination Travel Network (DTN), a division of Simpleview. DTN brings expertise in digital advertising and has been retained to develop, market and manage a long-awaited digital advertising program on The program is designed to benefit members and stakeholders in your destinations by providing them with the opportunity for additional digital marketing exposure on the

The new advertising program will provide a number of opportunities including:

  • Featured Listings for top of the category visibility
  • Page Sponsor Ads and Run of Site Banner Ads
  • Spotlight Text Link Ads
  • Mobile Banners

Proceeds earned through the sale of banner ads on will pay for search engine optimization and marketing, which will attract new consumers to the site. Please welcome the DTN team as they contact you to provide more details about this new advertising program. As we drive more traffic to, now is a more important time than ever to make sure your listing is current .

Create Your Listing
Click here and fill out the form on the right side of the page for New User Registration
Once you have registered it will take you through the steps of uploading your information. Attached is a user guide. Please contact us is you require any additional information.

Update Your Listing
Click here and put in your login info. If you forgot your login click here or email to receive your login info