Apply for CTO’s 2017 Sustainable Tourism Awards
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is currently receiving applications for its Sustainable Tourism Awards in this the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, as part of its efforts to support responsible tourism development and promote Sustainable Tourism products and services in the region. The Awards are open to individuals, groups, organizations and companies in […]
New Publications Available on Environmental Sustainability
In Celebration of Earth Day, new publications have been added to the CHTA Knowledge Center’s Publications archive. Coastal Tourism, Sustainability, and Climate Change in the Caribbean – Volume I Coastal Tourism, Sustainability, and Climate Change in the Caribbean – Volume II WIDECAST Sea Turtle Identification Guide (2017) The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) Turtle Watching Guidelines (2017) Purchase […]
A Case for Being Green in the Caribbean
Written by El Conquistador Resort Inspired by the Zika situation that so heavily affected Puerto Rico and the Caribbean tourism industry two years ago, El Conquistador Resort continues to work on the prevention and elimination of mosquitoes throughout the property through various environmentally friendly techniques. Using biodegradable resources composed of the Natural products such as […]
Greenhearts – Sustaining the Wellbeing of All Around
At Green Globe we like to think that our members, through sustainability, promote their “Greenhearts”. Greenhearts, like the native wood of Guyana which shares the same name, are strong and durable; creating amenity and wellbeing that lasts for generations to come. At Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, the resort team involves guests in marine […]
Turning Trash to Treasure at Small Hope Bay Lodge
Environmentally conscious resorts in rural areas, with little to no recycling plants in the vicinity, find it difficult efficiently dispose of the solid waste from their properties. Small Hope Bay Lodge on Andros Island is located on the largest but the least populated island per square mile in the Bahamas. Faced with the issue […]
Mangrove Conservation in Antigua & Barbuda
In an effort to teach the importance of mangrove conservation, The Galley Bay Resort of Antigua partnered with the Sunny Day Primary School to organize a local clean-up campaign. Small island developing nations like Antigua and Barbuda depend heavily on the Mangrove system. According to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), much like coral reefs, mangrove […]
Room to be Green
Written by Choice Hotels As Choice Hotels’ presence continues to grow in the Caribbean region, so does the company’s commitment to green and sustainability practices. The company’s 10 franchised hotels in the region support and participate in the company’s innovative Room to be Green program, and several are going beyond the program’s requirements in demonstrating […]
4 Ways to Take a Bite out of Food Waste
Written by Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Every plate that’s scraped equals money in the trash and a heavier carbon footprint. Food waste is a subconscious act, but the effects are detrimental to the vulnerable Caribbean. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 28% of food loss occurs at the […]
The UN Declares 2017 the Year of Sustainable Tourism Development
Written by Denaye Hinds, OBM International With the UN dedicating 2017 as the Year of Sustainable Tourism Development (STDP) there is much discussion about what sustainable tourism is. At OBMI we believe Sustainable Tourism Development is when all aspects of tourism’s impact are considered while developing a plan for new, improved or re-imagined tourism. This […]
Responsible Food Purchasing: Four Steps towards Sustainability for the Hospitality Sector
For many countries, tourism provides a significant source of foreign exchange and foreign direct investment. If managed sustainably, tourism can make an important contribution towards conserving natural and cultural heritage resources, generating and distributing wealth equitably, empowering the disadvantaged, generating jobs and supporting infrastructure development. More than most sectors, the hospitality sector is often under pressure […]