Mangrove Conservation in Antigua & Barbuda

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CHTA Communications


Mangrove Conservation in Antigua & Barbuda

In  an  effort  to  teach  the  importance  of  mangrove conservation, The Galley Bay Resort of Antigua partnered with the Sunny Day Primary School to  organize  a  local  clean-up  campaign.  Small island developing nations like Antigua and Barbuda depend heavily on the Mangrove system. According to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF), much like coral reefs, mangrove forests are extremely productive ecosystems that provide numerous good and services both to the marine environment and people.

According to a recent report by WWF, these goods and services are conservatively estimated to be worth US$186 million each year. They include fisheries, timber and plant products, coastal protection, and of course, tourism. They  aid  in  the  development  of  land,  by  capturing  sedimentation  in  their roots,  they  help  with  the  retention  of  fresh  water  by slowing down the rate of run-off water. They act as  nurseries  for  a  number  of  marine  species and they  serve  as  a habitat for reptiles and birds, as well as protect coastal areas from storm surges.

Given the mangrove’s significant contribution to our environment, hospitality and tourism industry must be forefront advocates for their maintenance and conservation. It only takes a few hours of service to guarantee the continued development and protection of mangroves plains. Starting your environmental stewardship program is not a complex task. For assistance on spearheading your own clean-up initiative, contact Christine at Galley Bay Resort at