CHTA Live: The Resilience Series “Staying Ahead of the Storm: Hurricane Preparedness in a COVID-19 Era”

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CHTA Communications


CHTA Live: The Resilience Series “Staying Ahead of the Storm: Hurricane Preparedness in a COVID-19 Era”

Thursday June 24, 2021 2:00 – 3:15PM ET

Please click here for the full presentation.

While many of us are focused on recovering from the pandemic, don’t lose sight of the need to be prepared and focused on hurricane readiness and response. COVID-19 has added another layer of prevention which should also be layered into your preparedness plan.

Join CHTA and a Panel of Leading Experts to Discuss…

  • Best practices in business continuity planning
  • Health safety considerations to safeguard your business, team members and guests
  • Communications strategies to minimize the impact on your business
  • Regional and local response mechanisms and areas of support
  • Your insurance checklist


  • Ms. Andria Grosvenor, Deputy Executive Director (Ag), Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
  • Dr. Lisa Indar, Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention & Control Division, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)
  • Jennifer Nugent-Hill, Director of Governmental and Community Affairs, Tropical Shipping
  • Stanley W. Smith, CPA, Principal, Smith Orloff & Associates, LLC