CHTA Mourns the Passing of Mr. Hugh Cresser

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CHTA Communications


CHTA Mourns the Passing of Mr. Hugh Cresser

Mr. Hugh CresserHugh Cresser, was an expert in sustainable tourism and rural enterprise development in his native Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean.  He was also played an invaluable role in the partnership of CHTA and USAID Caribbean Clean Energy Program.

Hugh came upon his career in environmental sustainability “by accident,” he says. After earning both a bachelor’s degree (from Niagara University) and a master’s degree (from George Washington University) in tourism –– the first Jamaican to have done so – Hugh returned to his home country. There, he worked in a variety of tourism areas, including community tourism enterprise and product development, hotel and tourism management, and marketing. He also served as general manager of the Runaway Bay HEART Hotel and Training Institute, and launched the hospitality and tourism degree program at the University of Technology, Jamaica.

CHTA and all who had the pleasure of knowing him will miss him dearly and his enthusiasm for the tourism industry and the Caribbean.