Rudy Grant is appointed new CEO of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association

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CHTA Communications


Rudy Grant is appointed new CEO of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association

The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) has announced the appointment of Mr. Rudy Grant as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Former Barbados Senator, Mr. Grant will take up the post effective December 1st, succeeding Sue Springer, who spent 15 years at the helm of the Association.

Grant, who also served as Parliamentary Secretary in Barbados’ Ministry of Tourism and International Transport from 2003 to 2008, has been employed as CEO of the Grenada Tourism Authority from 2014 to the present. Welcoming his appointment, BHTA’s chairman, Roseanne Myers, expressed great pleasure at having a person with his in-depth knowledge of the tourism sector, together with his mix of proven leadership skills and successes in both the private and public sectors, as the association’s new CEO.