The Power of Sponsorship

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CHTA Communications


The Power of Sponsorship

Sponsorships are one of the most powerful member benefits offered by CHTA. Assessing the usefulness of planned sponsorship deals is one of the most important decisions that any business owner or brand manager will make regarding their business. With the overall aim of increased sales and profitability, sponsorship serves two main purposes: to increase brand awareness and establish brand credibility.

To do so effectively, a business needs to create a connection between the sponsor and the sponsored, so that the desirable attributes associated with the sponsored property will transfer back to the sponsor. This begs the question, what positive attributes can CHTA offer your business?

  • Trust – CHTA has been a leader in the Caribbean hospitality and tourism industry for over 50 years. Our name is synonymous with permanence and stability in the region. If you are a new company and have a desire to prove to the industry that you are here and here to stay, CHTA is your best ally.
  • Advocate – One of CHTA’s primary roles is to advocate for the best interests of the hospitality and tourism industry, which is the primary economic engine for the region. No industry has more impact on the overall well-being of Caribbean nations than hospitality and tourism. If you are interested in aligning your business with the goals of a thriving Caribbean, CHTA is your best ally.
  • Loyalty – The value of investing in an organization with such deep roots in a community is that they are the perfect place to generate more loyal customers. Alignment with an organization like CHTA can help you create functional and healthy relationships with members, which will sustain sales over time.

If you are interested in learning how to become more involved with CHTA, CLICK HERE or contact Matt Cooper at