4 Tips for Travel Marketers to Become Socially Savvy

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4 Tips for Travel Marketers to Become Socially Savvy

By Sojern’s Catlyn Origitano

There’s no denying social media’s success in driving travelers to dream, book, and stay. The Caribbean especially can benefit from an exceptional social media strategy—pictures of beautiful beaches and all-inclusive resorts can drive travelers to push that ‘purchase’ button.

But social isn’t just for selling. If you want to get socially savvy, you need to think beyond paid tweets and understand how social media can drive a number of efforts for your travel brand, including:

  1. Real-time customer service. Guests compliment and complain about travel brands in real-time on social media. Monitoring your accounts, hashtags, and handles is key to maintaining a high level of customer service.
  2. Deeper understanding of competitors. Confused as to why a local resort is garnering more attention? Check out their social media presence and see what others say about them. It’s a great way to see how you stack up.
  3. Showing off your brand. Do you have the most luxurious spa or is your property more for the party scene? Social media is the perfect place to have some fun and showcase your brand. Tweet about local events or spa offerings and attract travelers who are likely to identify with your brand.
  4. Reaching new markets. Sojern’s 2016 North America Travel Trends report reveals a number of Caribbean destinations on the rise for both US and Canadian travelers, including Martinique, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and more.

If you know your top emerging markets, and start reaching them on social media— perhaps by tweeting with relevant hashtags, or even redirecting some paid spend their way—you can start to get in front of your in-market travelers. Social media is only growing in reach and it is more than just another tool for paid advertising. When using it to engage travelers, marketers are able to understand their customers’ path to purchase, preferences, and beyond.