Let’s Get Social!

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CHTA Communications


Let’s Get Social!

Written by HCP Aboard Publishing

Digital marketing is constantly growing and evolving, especially when it comes to hospitality management. Here in the Caribbean, hotel brands are changing the game in digital marketing and social media in some of the most innovative ways. Here’s how:

  1. Mobile. Did you know that an average of 21% of hotel bookings taking place via mobile devices? A clean and beautiful mobile-optimized website that is user-friendly, convenient and easy to navigate is a powerhouse for driving more bookings.
  2. Social media. Social media has become the number one place customers go to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The highly transparent and public nature of social media allows guests to connect with customer service teams in a more meaningful way. Hotels are now being more active and transparent across all social media channels. They are responding more to hotel guests’ comments and sharing what their company is up to, which helps build trust and intrigue.
  3. User-generated content. Your online reputation is key to success. The majority of travelers are persuaded more by the experience of previous guests through reviews and photos than through a basic ad on a website. Hotels can leverage user-generated content by encouraging them to share. For example, run contests via Twitter and Instagram or set up a “selfie station” in your hotel with a fun backdrop. Nothing beats word-of-mouth advertising.
  4. Blogging. With an average of 30-40% of a hotel’s revenue derived from organic traffic, having a content strategy that goes beyond the information offered on your hotel website is invaluable. Content is king. Whether it’s a blog about local events or new spa treatments at your hotel, now is the time to get creative.
  5. Video. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, which means that videos are undoubtedly one — if not the top — ways to attract and engage future and repeat customers. And with auto-play clips being utilized on Facebook and Instagram, there are now more channels than ever to promote your brand.