Wedding Menus: the Upsell Opportunity

Written by AskMeInc. A hotel’s F&B team should be closely tied to the wedding team says Marilyn Cairo of AskMeInc, a sales and marketing company that promotes hotels to engaged couples, travel agents, and consumers. “Weddings offer an incredible opportunity for hotels to increase their revenues by offering more creative, specialty options,” says Cairo. “Even […]

Summer Spirits – Drinking in History

Written by Emmanuella Owens, Jamaica Inn Jamaica’s rich culinary history extends itself to our varied and flavorful rum styles such as dark, red and white, each with their own unique characteristics. The Island boasts many well-known rum distilleries including Appleton, Myers, and Worthy Park, just to name a few. Jamaica rum production originated with sugar […]

Hotels Use Instagram Communities To Curate Travel Guides For Guests

At a time when buzz words like “local” and “authentic” are used to describe nearly every travel experience, marketers are turning increasingly to social media, and to residents themselves, to come up with the very content that enables other travelers to have those very kinds of experiences. Instagram, in particular, is increasingly becoming the channel […]

Travel Professionals Identify 15 Luxury Travel Trends For 2016 And Beyond

Luxury travel buzzwords like authentic, local, curate, and, of course, experience may be overused, but they have become buzzwords because of their phenomenal staying power. While some trends fade with time, some just seem to resound with customers from one year into the next. Travel Market Report reports on the views of a group of […]

Vacation Rental Startups Attract $100 Million in Funding So Far This Year

Vacation rental startups attracted nearly $100 million in venture capital funding during the first quarter of 2016 with most of the funding concentrated across the U.S. and Europe. The alternative accommodations sector attracted the most funding of any sector in 2015 and it appears that momentum has continued during the first four months of this […]

LIAT Airlines, Taxes And Caribbean Tourism

LIAT Airlines has been a vital factor in the commercial and tourism life blood of the Caribbean for decades. However, the company has now had three CEOs and two Acting CEOs in the last seven years, evidence of LIAT’s challenges. Commentary on its unfathomable financial strategy, its lack of published accounts and it’s, arguably, unnecessary […]

U.S. Preclearance Coming to Punta Cana Airport

United States Customs and Immigration is bringing U.S. preclearance to the Dominican Republic’s Punta Cana International Airport. The move, which was first announced last year, is expected to take effect beginning in May 2017. For more information, click here (Source: Caribbean Journal).

CHTA Green Week Showcased Member’s Amazing Acts of Green

From April 18-22, as part of our commitment to sustainability and to celebrate Earth Day in grand form, CHTA offered up to it’s members an environmentally focused five day photo challenge. The objective of this fun digital event was to showcase our members commitment to sustainable tourism and to positively impact the communities that support […]

The Hospitality Industry – offering a career path for those fifty and over

Finding employment or launching a new career can present some real challenges for anyone but this may be especially difficult for persons who are fifty years and older. The good news is that one industry is making strides to provide the more mature job seeker with many viable options. The hospitality industry, unlike many others […]

The Hospitality Industry – the exciting role of a Concierge

In today’s volatile economic climate, acquiring that dream job may be turning into a nightmare. But, could the hospitality industry come to the rescue with the opportunity to dream even bigger? Some industry professionals say the answer is yes, especially for technology enthusiasts. If you’re a job seeker looking to market your ‘tech’ skills while […]