Caribbean Hotels Adopt Near-Waterless Laundry

Record droughts in the Caribbean islands over the past five years have businesses rethinking their water use.  With water and energy costs escalating and tourism being a primary industry, it is important for hotels and for businesses serving hotels to implement water conservation practices. Verdanza Hotel in Puerto Rico was the first hotel to announce […]

Meet the 2017 Taste of the Caribbean Culinary Teams!

Taste of the Caribbean is around the corner, and the Caribbean is buzzing with anticipation to see which team with take home the prize this year. The teams entering the competition this year are the following: Bahamas Barbados Bonaire BVI Cayman Islands Curacao Jamaica Puerto Rico St. Lucia St. Maarten Suriname Trinidad & Tobago Turks […]

Caribbean305, the New Taste of the Islands

Taste of the Islands, CHTA and Taste of the Caribbean’s showcase since 2011 is being revamped with a new name, a new location and a whole new vibe! Get ready for Caribbean305, the Caribbean’s ultimate culinary and cultural festival that will bring together all of Taste of the Caribbean’s culinary teams, tourist boards, local Miami […]

LAST CALL for Caribbean Best Practices

CHTA is accepting nominations for the coveted Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF) Awards, which are set to take place during the third edition of the event in Miami from June 2 to 4, 2017. The CHIEF Awards shine a spotlight on the Caribbean hospitality and tourism industry’s best practices and Caribbean businesses that have […]

CHIEF Keynote Speaker Revealed

Respected Caribbean hotelier Sir Royston Hopkin, KCMG will address the importance of excellence in Caribbean tourism when he delivers the keynote presentation at this year’s Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF), set to take place at the Hyatt Regency Miami, from June 2 to 4. Sir Royston, the Chairman and Managing Director of Grenada’s Spice […]

Farm-To-Table Cooks Up Guest Satisfaction

Written by OBM International As the farm-to-table movement becomes mainstream, numerous hotels have joined the pledge to provide locally-sourced, fresh, and organic foods at their establishments. Some destinations have become agri-hotels by installing rooftop gardens, or farm plots adjacent to their property in order to offer guests homegrown and sustainable foods. Other luxury hotels and […]

Know Your Families: ADARA Family Travel Data

Knowing how families plan trips, when they are looking to travel, and what activities are important to them allows you to better inform your marketing strategy to reach family travelers. ADARA, the world’s travel data co-op, has recently released findings around family travel trends and behaviors. When compared to solo and couple travelers, families take […]

Dreaming of Getting that Degree? Make Your Dream Come True!

Do you know a promising Caribbean student or Caribbean professional interested in furthering their education in the hospitality industry? Let them know the CHTA Education Foundation (CHTAEF) is offering scholarships and the deadline to apply is March 31, 2017. CHTAEF provides academic, professional development, tourism and hospitality teachers, work experience placements and internship awards to […]

Ewald Biemans Honored by HSMAI and National Geographic

Amidst the glittery backdrop of New York City on February 21, 2017, the hospitality world’s best work and brightest minds were honored as the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) presented the 60th Annual Adrian Awards. Ewald Biemans, owner and CEO of the CHTA Member Hotel Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort was recognized with […]

Exclusive Travel Insurance Benefits for CHTA Members

Travel should be fun and relaxing. But what if something happens? What if one of your guests or one of their family members becomes sick? What if one of their bags is lost or stolen? Or if they need to cancel their vacation due to an emergency? Travel insurance can protect your guest, as well […]