CHTA Green Week Showcased Member’s Amazing Acts of Green

From April 18-22, as part of our commitment to sustainability and to celebrate Earth Day in grand form, CHTA offered up to it’s members an environmentally focused five day photo challenge. The objective of this fun digital event was to showcase our members commitment to sustainable tourism and to positively impact the communities that support […]

Green is the New Black: Eco-Friendly Offerings to Boost Revenue

As the world is becoming more and more environmentally conscience, the tourism industry needs to step up to the challenge.  Many travelers are drawn to properties that recognize the importance of living sustainably.  According to the International Ecotourism Society (TIES), although ecotourism is a new concept, it is growing three times faster than the entire […]

Barbados Enters Phase Two of Sustainable Tourism Initiative

Barbados continues to make solid progress toward achieving global standards in sustainable tourism. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Donna Cadogan, confirmed that in January 2016, the island commenced the second phase of the Sustainable Destinations Alliance for the Americas (SDAA) initiative. The SDAA partners include the Organization of American States (OAS), Caribbean Tourism […]

Water & Wellness

Written by OBM International On average 16% of a hotel’s total potable water use and expense is used for irrigating and maintaining landscapes, as estimated by the EPA. Reclaiming grey water from spa facilities and hotels is one way of creating a sustainable solution to watering lawns and gardens.  It also reduces water consumption in […]

Support Your Caribbean National Teams with #IslandPride2016

The National Culinary Teams competing at Taste of the Caribbean will display the amazing talent, creativity and rich culture of the Caribbean.  The teams are proudly representing you, so show them some virtual love and support! Celebrate all 13 National Culinary Teams: Anguilla, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, Curacao, Jamaica Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Suriname, […]

Exciting New Training Opportunities for Food and Beverage Professionals

Get ready for Taste of the Caribbean’s six new educational sessions created and catered for the Food and Beverage professional. These sessions will enhance your individual skills while maximizing your company’s bottom line. Global Trends – Learn the major global food trends and game changers that are shaping our industry today and projections for the […]

Show Us Your Green Side

How many “acts of green” can you do in five days? Starting Monday, April 18th share one picture a day of ecologically conscious acts you perform daily in celebration of Earth Day. Example: on April 19th take a picture of you turning off your lights or changing your light bulbs to energy saving bulbs with […]

CHTA President Sees Growth Potential From German Market

CHTA President Karolin Troubetzkoy sees Germany and other European countries as a region with untapped potential for many Caribbean destinations and is advocating for open skies and ease of travel restrictions to stimulate arrivals. At the recent ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel trade show, Troubetzkoy applauded the statement by President of the German Travel […]